Do you ever have one of those days were things are going really well and you're liking what you see... and then BAM!!! You have one bad thing happen and you try really hard to fix it and it just keeps getting worse no matter what you do? Yeah, that happened to me with this page!
Art Challenge: Under Paper
Journaling Prompt: What Lies Beneath?
I really loved the under paper I had used for this project and all I wanted to do was add a little extra color to the blank spaces and then I started adding these butterflies from the stencil that I really like... in the end you can't even see the pretty underpapers I had used. Layer after layer added and I just decided to be done. I tore the word "Perseverance" out of a book and thought it was just perfect for completing this page, LOL! So, in the end "What Lies Beneath" is my Under Paper!!!
Also, I wanted to thank everyone who joined me for Truth Scrap. I got a list of everyone who used my link and had choose a winner of the Tim Holtz Small Folio, mixed media paper, 6"x6" paper pad, journaling pens, and palette knives giveaway.
The winner is Rene Jantzi, I will be sending you an email to get your mailing address! Congratulations and I hope you really enjoyed Truth Scrap!!!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small commission on purchases made, using my link. Thank you for your continued support so I can continue to provide tutorials and inspiration!
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