Aqua/teal/turquoise is the winner of the most favorite color to scrapbook with. That is definitely one of my favorite colors to scrapbook with too. That was lots of fun to read all of your comments and favorites.
Before I announce the winner of the Amy Tangerine Plus One mini kit, I wanted to share a layout and website of a friend of mine.
Aaron Morris is a pocket scrapper and just recently decided to give his pages a mixed media touch and I've loved seeing the transformation. I love seeing his happy and creative personality come out on his pages.
His messy style is all digital and he's been sharing some great tips and tutorials recently on altering your journal cards digitally. He's so creative and inspiring and I know you're going to love his site and tutorials. Be sure to check out his blog, The Morris Files.
I know that mixed media can be scary to try and the fear of expressing your creative side in your pages can be hard. This is exactly why I revived this blog recently. I've been praying for a way to inspire and teach scrapbooking, memory keeping, storytelling and mixed media techniques. I felt God leading me in blogging. Seeing my friends and readers learning, experimenting and being inspired has brought me so much joy.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congrats Tyger Young, I've sent you an email!!!
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