Week In The Life | Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm impressed with myself, I'm still going strong on the photo taking and keeping up with Ali Edwards' Week In The Life. I suppose it's only day two but I'm sure Thursday's photos will be pretty slim pickin's. 

It's probably a good thing it's a holiday weekend so I'll get some Halloween photos on Friday at least. I think as long as I get 10 photos each day, I'll be happy. I need to remember on Thursday to take those photos of things like food we eat and other chores we do.

sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014


I called Tuesday our "Introvert Day"! With being so busy on Monday, I needed a day of just staying home to prepare for a busy Wednesday and coming weekend. I'm sure I'll have another one on Thursday before the busy weekend. Yes, I stayed in my yoga pants and t-shirt all day. I love days like this!

Starting our morning off with another day of homeschooling, Isaac practicing writing the letter "L" and the number "3".

sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

Moriah's working on "English" and writing a thank you letter to someone special.
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

Tuesday is trash day. Asher is such a big helper taking out the recycle bins... our bins sure look like they should be recycled. LOL!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

He looks so grown up to me lately! sniff, sniff!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

The boys usually play so well together while Moriah's working on her school work. They miss their sister though and I love moments like this when we take a little break from school work.
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

For Moriah's 30 minutes of reading time, she decided to read Asher's book out loud to him. How sweet is that?!?!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

Isaac is an introver like his mama and often wants to play by himself after playing all morning with Asher. I love watching his imagination at work with the Legos and his cars. He's so creative. Our family room is often very messy. I can't keep it clean. I even see some of my scrapbook supplies on the floor in this photo. LOL!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

Asher is still my baby. He won't admit that he still needs a nap once in awhile. We love the cuddles though after we wakes up. He wasn't happy with mama since she woke him up, so Daddy had to take a cuddle break. I love their relationship!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

Hello flash! Isaac and I with our super sensitive and pale skin lovin' on each other. I'm so glad I still get some cuddles from him once in awhile!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

It was about this time that the UPS van drove down the street and Asher starting yelling, "HEY, they missed our house, they missed our house!" Apparently, I do a lot of online shopping and the UPS stops by our house a lot. 

This is a preview of the next Workflow Wednesday. I'll be sharing how I take photos of my projects and save them for web. As you can see I have some helpers. He loves doing it...
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

...but gets bored pretty quickly! You can also see in the last three photos that he has his beloved "Bonny" with him. He's got a little cold and says he's tired, so he's been carrying him around all day. He even used a food clip to create a super hero cape for him today. He really is so creative!
sharing Tuesday's photos from the Greenwood Week In The Life 2014

At 8pm, I heard Asher saying, "Isaac, are you still awake?" and then proceeded to have a conversation about how neither of them can sleep and they've been awake the whole 30 minutes of lights out... so sweet!

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