As you've seen, I've become obsessed with mixed media and paint and doodles and art journaling and well... now I'm doing it everywhere... first with my December Daily album and now in my Project Life album... I had sooooo much fun altering and painting and misting and stamping all these cards... I told Traci in a private message that she's not even going to recognize her cards when she sees them LOL... I made a total MESS!!! There's even gold paint spots all over the newly refinished floors... I felt so bad but you really don't notice it and hubby said, "It is what it is"... I suppose I should be a little bit more careful with flicking the paint brush LOL... You should have seen the little dude after I was done... he had black ink splatters all over him and he had smeared it all over this face... it was quite funny and I was too messy to grab the camera to take a picture either... oh well... it was too fun and next time I'll be sure to better protect the floors LOL
DISCLAIMER: As a creative team member for the aforementioned designers, I have received their products for free in return for creating and posting projects (digital layouts, hybrids projects, etc). Some but not all of the layouts you see here were done as requirements for these CTs, please be advised that the product used was indeed received for free if I am on the designer's creative team. Any additional advertising that I may do for them or for the stores with which they are affiliated is purely out of my dedication to these designers and the wish to see their business succeed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Your pages are totally amazing!!!!!