A Week In The Life - July 29

Friday was our last day in Northwoods, Wisconsin... it was really quiet at the resort...

Boy's Club by Kristin Cronin-Barrow and Penny Springmann
10,080 Minutes 12x24 templates by Traci Reed
DJB Me and My Shadow by Darcy Baldwin
DJB Me and My Shadow Light by Darcy Baldwin
DJB Writes A Lot by Darcy Baldwin
Scrap With Style: Frame It by Misty Cato

Journaling reads:
Today was our last full day at the cabin, so we spent most of the day saying goodbye to everyone. It was really quiet around the resort since many families left today. They had long drives home so it made sense to leave on Friday instead of Saturday. We decided to take it easy today before packing up ourselves. We went for a really leisure walk. We took a little paved trail that ran along 70. Next to it was a snowmobile trail. It was cool to see the tiny little signs for them. It got really hot really fast and we were pretty miserable in our long sleeves and jeans but now we know next year that we don’t have to worry about bugs on this path since it’s pretty much out of the woods. We decided that we would turn around at 2 miles to go back to the cabin. We saw Chris and his dad ride by on their bikes. We saw that they had stopped ahead and that’s where the eagle’s nest was. So we went a little bit further than 2 miles so that we could get a closeup view of the nest. It was pretty cool to see. We also saw a lot of hawks flying around along the path. We’ve seen lots of bald eagles and hawks this week. It made me really wish I still had my telephoto lens. After we got back we just kinda hung out on the deck and blew some bubbles. We tried to eat an early lunch again so the boys could go down for naps early too. Mark even took a short little nap while I went out and checked email. Mark took Moriah down to the beach for one last swim. She was a little bit more brave this time and actually jumped into the water from the dock. When Asher got up from his nap we went down to the beach to take some pictures. We decided to wake Isaac up from his nap at 3:30 so that we could go putt-putt and be back in time for dinner and packing. We had a blast at putt-putt. I had won a free entry last year and we had the hardest time finding the ticket for me to get in free. Right as we decided that we would still play putt-putt even w/o the free ticket, we finally found it. The kids were so excited and this year we decided not to keep track of our score. It was a good thing because it was hard to play with Asher on my back and I’m way too competitive. This way, we just had fun playing. Isaac just liked putting the ball really close to the hole so that he could easily hit it in. It was too cute. Their favorite holes were the ones that you hit the ball into the stream and watch the ball go down the stream and then onto the green at the end. We let them do that one several times just because it was so much fun. Mark got a hole in one, he was really excited about that. The best was hole #10 when Moriah got a hole in one. She was jumping up and down with excitement. I’m so proud of her! After we got back to the cabin we decided to go out for diner and went to DJ’s restaurant with Grandpa. Grandma wasn’t feeling well so she made her own dinner. When we got back we all started packing up and saying our goodbyes to everyone that was still around. It was really hot and humid so we didn’t sleep very well that night. We were really miserable!!!



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