I am having a blast making Christmas presents this year. It's hard to believe that we're already in the single digits with our countdown to Christmas. This December I've found that I've had more time to reflect on Christmas. It's not that I have more time in my days, it's just that I'm spending more time fixed on HIM.
HE IS HOPE! Do you know him?
This past Sunday my worship pastor, Brian Hogan, lead us in responding to the message with O, Come All Ye Faithful. God whispered a verse to him earlier as he was praying for the Women's Christmas event. I wanted to share it with you, because in all truth, God doesn't want just the faithful to come to him, he wants the broken... the ones without HOPE too.
Come all you broken,
Desperate and discouraged.
Come see what happened here in Bethlehem.
Jesus brought grace and truth into our darkness.
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
O Come All Ye Faithful
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him, born the King of Angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing all ye citizens of Heaven above.
Glory to God, all glory in the Highest;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to thee be glory given;
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing:
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
I just LOVE it! I seriously went straight to the stage after the service on Sunday to ask for the words because it's true we need to hear. I'm not perfect, I have my anxieties! I'm broken! I'm often discouraged! I'm in need of a Savior, HOPE.
I also wanted the words because I have a vision of an art journal page with those lyrics and I can't wait to put that vision down on paper. This is exactly what #ARTWORSHIP is! I hope you'll join me on January 31st for TRUTH SCRAP 2015, and use code ADVENT at checkout for an extra $20 off the already reduced pricing. - good through 12/24 when the registration goes up to full price!
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