Friday Four: Faith Friends
Last September, I went to The Influence Conference in Indy and finally got to meet some of my faith friends in person. I've met them online and we were already friends but there is something amazing that happens when you finally meet in person... late nights chatting in our room and no sleep. I'm so very blessed by each of these girls and I love supporting their faith based businesses.
The Reset Girl
Cori made me fall in love with travel notebooks and decorating planners on YouTube and she's a fellow INFP. I'm so blessed by her and to be a part of her planner stylist team. I love that she is open about her faith and even has faith based planner stickers in her shop. She's one of my biggest inspirations and I love her so much. Use code: welove@heathergw for 10% off at
Marine Parents
April was one of the first Illustrated Faith team members and I have always loved her style of Bible journaling. While I miss having her on the team, she still inspires me so much and love following her on Instagram. I have bought several pouches from her to support their adoption of two boys and love the custom Bible cover I had her make for me. We instantly hit it off when we met and I got her to fall in love with essential oils. We love chatting often and I am forever blessed by her.
I have had several people ask me about my Bible cover and here's what you need to know... April offers ruffled Bible sleeves for *any* size Bible - pricing starts at $30 + shipping and varies based on your Bible dimensions. She does not keep Bible covers stocked in her shop because she wants each one to be unique and custom made for YOU! To get an order started, send an email to you'll receive an auto-response that has all the info to get you started!!! As a fun little gift, each Bible sleeve order comes with a matching fabric tab to clip in your Bible as a way to mark your favorite passage or to keep track of your current reading spot.
The Adopt Shoppe
I didn't really meet Kate before the conference, I just knew she was April's bestie. I totally fell in LOVE with her when we met. She is such a sweet soul and I love her heart for adoption and that she's also a homeschooling mom. Her designs are beautiful and I never get to snatch up her jewelry when she posts them... I love that they sell out so fast and they go to the people who they are meant to go to. She did give me a necklace at the conference and I treasure it so much. It was definitely meant to be as I deal with anxiety so much. I'm so very blessed by her even if we don't chat much. She inspires me with gorgeous product styling and awesome designs... one day it will be meant to be for me to snatch up another piece of jewelry from her.
Marine Parents and The Adopt Shoppe conspire

Kate has her designs printed on fabric and then April creates pouches with them... how awesome is that?!?! I just love these two together, true besties and it shows in their collaborations. I was lucky enough to snatch up this pouch with one of my favorite quotes and a yummy fabric combination. I love storing my Faber Castell Big Brush Markers in them for when I'm traveling or to church or events. They use the hashtag #kateandaprilconspire to see their collaborations on Instagram.

Workflow Wednesday Video: Removing the protective film over transparencies
I'm so excited to share with you my first YouTube video with plans to add more in the future. Today I'm sharing a really quick tutorial on how to remove the protective film over the transparencies in the Illustrated Faith by Bella Blvd Praise Book. It's hard to tell that there is a protective film that needs to be removed but this is my PSA that there is and needs to be removed before doing any mixed media art journaling on it.
It's super easy, just take an eraser to the corner until it lifts up and then pull it off...
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Friday Four: Rainbow of Colorful Tools
I'm soooo in love with these colors right now. I'm all about the rainbow. It's not only pretty but a reminder of God's promise to Noah. It just makes me so happy to include all these bright happy colors in all my projects right now.
Workflow Wednesday: The Power of 3s Design Concept
Did you know that THREE is my favorite number? Did you know that using odd numbers is a design concept? It's true, a lot of home decorators use odd numbers when clustering items together. It's why candle sets usually come in sets of three.
Three is the most popular number to use and it's the number I use most often when I'm looking at the design of my projects from planner decorating to Bible journaling to scrapbooking.
It really is my favorite number, I even have three kiddos and it's the perfect size family for me and my hubby.
So, I wanted to show you what I mean by using 3s in my designs, by pointing out the threes in a planner page. I like to repeat the same concept three times around a page.
When I think in threes it makes it really easy to design a page as I grab three similar stickers and layer them around the page... usually in a visual triangle like I talked about last week.
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Three is the most popular number to use and it's the number I use most often when I'm looking at the design of my projects from planner decorating to Bible journaling to scrapbooking.
It really is my favorite number, I even have three kiddos and it's the perfect size family for me and my hubby.
So, I wanted to show you what I mean by using 3s in my designs, by pointing out the threes in a planner page. I like to repeat the same concept three times around a page.
- I used the woodgrain and peach washi tapes three times
- I used woodgrain elements/stickers three times - the clipboard, "scheduled" arrow & "don't forget" arrow
- The three circle elements/stickers all have the same blue shade for the upper half of the sticker - "Don't Forget" sticker, the layering sticker that says "chiro 3:50pm", & the gumball sticker with the gray leaf
When I think in threes it makes it really easy to design a page as I grab three similar stickers and layer them around the page... usually in a visual triangle like I talked about last week.
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Friday Four: Bible Art Journaling Faves
I'm super excited to start sharing a new feature on the blog for you! I often get asked about my favorite tools and supplies and especially for Bible journaling. So, every Friday, I will share four things I like at the time, whether it's supplies or books I'm reading or totally random things. I'll share a little bit about why I like them too, not just pretty pictures. Note: these are all original photos taken by me, and not product shots. I want you to know that these faves really are my personal faves and not totally random. I will not be doing any sponsored posts for this feature.
Workflow Wednesday: Planner Visual Triangle
Hello friends, it feels so good to be back to blogging tips and tutorials for you again. Earlier this week I had posted a photo on Instagram and mentioned working decorating in a visual triangle and a friends had asked me to tell them more about what a visual triangle is and I thought it would be perfect for the blog to share some design concepts and how I use them when creating my planner pages or Bible journaling pages.
My favorite design concept is the visual triangle. To do this I simply make my layered clusters form a triangle on the page. This is really easy to do with The Day Designer set up. First, I cover up the upper right section with washi and a cluster of stickers, then I move on to the schedule and with our busy schedule it makes another cluster of layered stickers. Lastly, I add another sticker cluster in the bottom right corner for "daily gratitude". As you can see, this forms a triangle of design which makes your eyes flow through the whole page nicely.
Now that I have a general design set up, it makes it easy for me to work through a whole week's worth of daily planner pages in a quick creative time session. Here are the pages for this week. You can see that my to-do list remains the same every day and then each morning first thing after I've completed my "lifeSAVERS" routine, I fill out my top three for the day.
Monday, uses the Free Spirit collection from The Reset Girl...
Tuesday was the start of a new month so I decided to switch to the Graceful collection from The Reset Girl for the month of March... the colors are so spring like as well as the birds, flowers and pretty feathers.
Use code: Welove@heathergw for 10% off at
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